I Am Man Poem by Mohammad Younus

I Am Man

I hold my head high!
I look o'er the snow-capped peaks!
I pierce the infinite spaces of the sky!
I glance beyond the stars in the sky!
I fly on the wings of love beyond the contours of sky!
I desire to touch the pedestals of God's high chair!
I am Man—the wonder of the universe!
I carry on my forehead blazes of God's fiery fire!
I've been created to hold My head forever high,
I am forever indomitable, unique, and unparalleled,
My dance is life rejuvenating!
My dance is cataclysmic!
I am tempestuous!
God has made me the creator and the destroyer,
I am humble - the blessing on the earth!
I am terrifying - the curse on the earth!
I repress the weaker peoples on the earth,
I liberate slaves who resist and are resilient;
I obey all commands of God's messengers,
I am Robinhood, I break all laws and canons;
I create new and newer things,
I smash all beautiful old things;
I dance to my own beat, I'm a free spirit!
I dance to the tunes of others, I am a puppet!
I am disciplined, faithful and righteous,
I am undisciplined, I am wayward, I am rebel;
I am the sweet musical tunes of love and peace,
I am the harsh voice of hate and violence;
I walk on the straight and simple paths,
I am lost in meshy and labyrinthine roads;
I look forward with eyes fixed on my goal,
I have lost my goal, I'm all twist and turn;
I am Man - the viceroy of God
I am Man - the rebel of God.


I Am Man
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