Hurting You Poem by Frandy Osias Louis

Hurting You

I WaS So AnGrY
THAt I NeVeR StOpEd To ReALiZe
ThE PaIn ThAt I BeGaN To CaUsE YoU
I KnO' YoU HuRt Me ReAL BaD
BuT ThAtS NeVeR A ReAsOn To CaUsE YoU PaIn
AnD It HuRtS ThAt I DiD
AnD FoR ThAt
I Am SoRrY
YoU DoNt DeSeRvE AnY Of ThAt PaIn
KnOw OnE TrUeLy DoEs
I JuSt WaNt To StOp ALL ThIs
AnD WoRk On US OnCe MoRe
WoRk On MaKiNg EvErYtHiNg ThE WaY It UsE To Be
WhErE ThErE WaS No PaIn
No LiEs, JuSt YoU AnD Me
I HoPe ThE PaIn I HAvE CaUsEd
DoEsNt PuSh YoU AwAy At ThE EnD
BeCaUsE If I LoOsE YoU
ThEn I WoULd Be LoOsInG My BeSt FrEiNd

Courtney Murray 16 September 2008

this is a great poem. this is exactly how i feel rite now, i hurt someone that meant the world to me because they hurt me first and im so sorry about it. wonderful writting

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Shilesha Johnson 06 September 2008

she never meant to hurt you. she never intended to im sure. you are obviously a great boyfriend and im sure she could see that. it's good that you realized that you were hurting her. now you can stop. she hurt you and she won't do it again. she's sorry. great poem. it's a great one of the many

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