Human Not Tools Poem by Tammy Nicholls

Human Not Tools

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A Magician we see
Standing so tall
Using his magic
To hypnotize all

Sitting beside him
A High Priestess of power
Pretty as a picture
Soft as a flower

Her lady, her foe
The Empress of worlds
Lavish surroundings
Exquisitely pearl

The Empresses man
So high and respected
Emperor of worlds
Or so as elected

An old man of knowledge
The Hierophant so wise
Ask what you will
He'll tell you lies

Two people in love
The Lovers embrace
A candle lit evening
Lust just a trace

The evening then ends
The Lovers elope
In the Chariot of emotions
Only each other devote

Justice comes forth
Our decider of fate
Who'll die with honour
Who'll die with hate

The Hermit an example
From loneliness so deep
A fear that his reality
Will make him take that leap

Then some of us are lucky
The Wheel of Fortune spins free
They live a life of happiness
In perminate luxury

Then some people although
Are born with natural Strength
They fight for their happiness
Who ever they're against

Other people will fall
They become a Hanged Man
Their soul is slowly dieing
Forever eternally damned

Death some do call this
It's why we have been born
For each and every person
Eventually will mourn

Then Temperance calls an order
For the peace must remain
Life she states is serious
Not some childish little game

The Devil begins to laugh
You silly silly fool
All lives that are living
Are my personal playing tools

The Tower is my saviour
My evil evil abode
Unwanted souls dwell there
So stay out of my road

Yet far up above
A Star is shining bright
Filling up that darkness
With a spiritual white light

The Moon is always watching
Helping us to see
Preventing us from falling
A hero he must be

Then the Sun begins to shine
In every person's heart
The good bad or evil
Their never far apart

Judgement then prevails
In all of our lives
As a woman has a husband
Or man has a wife

This is how people
See the World today
So full of hard decisions
Never time to play

So just maybe we all are
Seen as simple Fools
Hopefully we'll realise
We're humans not tools

Sunday, February 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: spiritual
Written about the major cards of the tarot
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