How To Smile Poem by Lara wolf

How To Smile

If you want a smile here’s what you do
You grab a razor and snort a line or two
But if you are more well behaved
And doing illegal drugs just seems too depraved
I have got another quick fix for you
a cure for your modern century blue
Just head on down to your doctor, any local one
Tell him you feel sad, and your funs just begun
There’s Prozac, Lamictal, Zoloft, and Seroquel too
Once you take a swallow you’ll feel just like new.
You say you have no cash to spend on those pills
Well don’t fret my friend I can still cure your ills
Try finding a boy or a girl if you please
It works quite well just ask the birds and the bees
You can’t be unhappy if you’re in someone’s bed
If your saying you can you must surely be dead
Oh, you want happy that isn’t so fleeting
Well I suppose you can try constantly eating
How can you be sad when you’re stuffing your face
Oh you want something less harsh on your waist
Hmm that’s too hard you shouldn’t ask me
You foolish young kid you simply don’t see
If you want to feel happy and truly content
You wont find your answer in the money you spent
Nor does your bliss lye in a lovers kiss
Or even through stuffing your mouth full of chips
If you want to be happy then just look in your heart
I think you will find you were from the start

Mohammad Muzzammil 07 February 2011

A beautiful poem that flows nicely and explains in an interesting matter how smile. Of course, nobody can be happy either by money or food. One feels pleasure when he make other happy and seeks his or her own smile on other face. Your poem is very good. Thanks a lot for sharing it.

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