How Did I Get Here With Blood On My Shirt Poem by Vision Ghost

How Did I Get Here With Blood On My Shirt

Dazed, confused and succumbing to my own awakening
I’m facing skyward before my eyes are slowly opening
Back stiffened as I try to move and somehow try to find
Light that hurts as the day floods into my aching mind

Eyes open and a blink to wash out the sleep of last night
Before my head resists it’s turning to take in this sight
There’s a grip of something in my hand as I try to focus
Still dizzy eyes sharpen on the blade so now ponderous

In the palm of my hand with the blades metallic hidden
By the encrusted stains of crimson leaving me so ridden
Of explanation or condemnation of what the hell happened?
Either last night or day before and now so very confined

Rising awkwardly as back hurts in its screaming protest
Drop the blade with a sound that pierces mental contest
Looking around in a room so bare and wooden and who?
Is the sleeping person across the way I wonder so a lot?

Pacified so by my own confused agendas I stumble over
Kneeling down I try to awake the sleeping one or moreover
Is the one I turn over to see the body of the female face
Reddened by a haemorrhaged torso so silent in her grace

Who is she? What happened? Where am I? What is this?
Did I do this? How did this happen? I am so far from bliss
My mind is mist and so clouded as breathing gets harder
Is this the scene? Is this real? I am now here in murder

I am dreaming right? I will really wake up soon wont I?
I’m cold now, my blood has stopped, I don’t know why
Did I do something bad last night, was it even last night?
I just can’t damn remember with the body in her plight

In my arms she is now with a face that I don’t recognise
I am to be lost to any sense of sense or any compromise
My sanity so stretched to the confines of any such limits
Lying on my cold cell floor, trying to recall the minutes

Such words are frightening, DNA, finger prints, evidence
Yet I am stolen of any such visions or memories presence
Reaching deep down inside so to my an imaginations limit
That’s what I told them anyway, I do reckon they’ll buy it

Vision Ghost

Vision Ghost

Epsom, East Surrey
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