[ Horn Swag Land ] Poem by ktarcus ...

[ Horn Swag Land ]

Beware all little greebles,
as darkness draws nigh
For the hornswags are watching,
way up in the sky,
when you fall asleep,
you're dreams they will find
and come of the morning,
they'll take of your mind.

Oft in the past,
when the moonlight was pale
hornswags would taunt us,
fear would prevail,
now take of you're medicine,
like good greebles do,
for nesstleberry juice,
is what makes you get through.

One day in the future,
perhaps maybe soon
a saviour will find us,
and maybe for one dubloon,
he'll take of the hornswags,
and merry we'll be
and sleep once more safely,
without nesstle berry.

Somewhere over the rainbow,
as the mist of dawn subside,
The Greebles meet for breakfast,
neath the oak where they abide,
some they talk in whispers,
hoping this day will be their best,
that at last they'll beat the Hornswag,
and put their town to rest.

For in the place that they call home,
they are never free to roam,
while the Hornswag in the night preys on the young,
as the elders struggle to keep,
their young ones as they sleep,
with nestleberries wrapped around their tongue.

Its the only way to calm them,
as they know that it wont harm them,
like a sleeping draught,
it blankets out their dreams,
For the Hornswag while he's flying,
never ceases trying,
to hone in on all ideas and schemes.

Twenty years now and still countin,
since they dislodged him off the mountain,
While mining froobie gems,
to sell at crickle mart,
Like a winged avenger beating,
searching children memories for the eating,
Tis a good job the Greebles are all heart.

Now the waiting it is over,
for they found a friend in rover,
he comes this day to set the world to right,
ever fearless never tiring,
he will stop the beast from flying,
it was to be an all out awesome fight.

First one,
and then the other,
had control,
or was in bother,
kicking in the hay,
Then a Greeble with shot clear,
unleashed the silver spear,
the Hornswag would not see another day.

Somewhere over the rainbow,
as the moon was slowly rising,
The Greebles met for supper,
promising kids they'd have a lie-in,
They shout with joy and laughter,
frighten rooks from out the rafter,
With the Hornswag now defeated,
they could live here everafter.

Note on greebles and hornswags: -

Hornswags exist within the realms of darkness close to the core of the mind, they have the ability to steal the dreams of those who are daydreaming and the ambition of little greebles leaving them a helpless mess only fit to feed hornswags their customary treeckle tart.(made from real saplings so destroying the forest) the forest is essential to a greebles existence as it protects from bad weather and intrusion by human types who would make them captive to be sold as toys for the rich and famous, God forbid they may even be sold into slavery as children of a lesser god brangalina.Worse still they could be handed over into the custardy of brittany spears.
This of course would be a disater for these cute little folk who do no more than clean up the litter off the forest floor to recycle.
So if you spot a greeble (large or small) be kind enough to just wave /shake your head and ignore them.
they mean you no harm and will benefit your local community a great deal.

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ktarcus ...

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