Holy Fire Poem by sean alexander

Holy Fire

Music is sort of an audible painting

I believe that there is a voice calling to us in the night
Telling us not to be afraid

Inside our molecular bodies
Our souls are shape shifting rainbows
Feeling a completely different aurora or mood at a dropp of a hat.

The are parts of your body not made of matter

I can simplify the point to life

The happy old man and grumpy old man

There is a reason why a man will either be grumpy or happy when he is old.

1. the happy old man always smiles because he’s figured out the secret to life
That all life is moving poetry. And all life is a mirror with a spiritual wall that it is placed upon. And he realizes that when he dies he will transcend that wall and into the next room. Where a completely different sense of existsance lies. He will transform into what ever. That designer chooses him to.

2. The grumpy old man never realized this secret. He only believed what he saw. In a world of death drugs and murder. So he does not believe in god. Because he can’t find any rational proof in him in his reality of him. so he chooses to deny him. he can’t accept that this is only existence on that plane of reality. So he dies with out spiritual inglightment.

When you die you will be placed in a white room front of a mirror

Those who have not yet realized what life is about
And are atheists
Who only draw truth from the facts and what they see.
Will only see a mirror with your reflection staring right back at you
You had no beliefs
So you have no destination
You will be forever be in this white room forever
Forever searching on how to get out.

For those that truly belief that there is some mystical afterlife.
You knew from the experiences of your life that you must belief in more than just what you see, hear, and what is rational.
Excepting in your former life
That all the answers will come to you
You believe in something deeper than just the surface
When you are placed in this white room
You will no that when you see this mirror
That in fact it is no mirror at all
But a gateway to another life
Another plane of existence
Hopefully one that you had always dreamed of
Where sons of angels
And daughters of nature
Laugh and dance next to lake
In a field of joy.

Life deeper than appears
Search well my child.
See life as a pool
Do not simply
Stare at the surface
Dive as deep as the water lets you
And dream of transcending deeper

sean alexander

sean alexander

vetnor, new jersey
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