A Walk In The Park Poem by sean alexander

A Walk In The Park

Come walk with me in the park
A little bit after dark
When the sun is still setting
And the moon is still rising
Like two children on a see saw
As one goes down the other comes up
And we will walk beside the green shrubbery
On the cold side walk
Walking in nothing but our socks
Being careful not to step on rocks
It feels cold out tonight
Please take my coat
We’ll walk under the street lamps
Over puddles dark and damp
Come sit on this bench with me
We’ll throw bread to the ducks out on the lake
Maybe they will come so close
So you can get a good look at what A majestic creature he is
And then we’ll continue walking through the park
And admire the cherry trees that blossom so beautifully in the spring time
Walk past a mime trying to get out of a box he put himself into
I’ve always found mimes to be funnier than clowns
I’ve always felt that mimes try to make you laugh by using your mind and questioning the reasoning and meaning he is trying to get across. I always felt as though mimes try to laugh with you.
While clowns on the offhand have tried to make there jokes by laughing at you.
Gives you a pie in the face
Or a stupid rubber balloon animal
It always seems that the joke always seems to be on you
Like you have to be involved
But the mime barley witnesses your there
Why you witness his imaginary world
But as we done thinking this thought
I will take to the ice cream stand
And we will share a cone
And start to walk home and admire what a beautiful evening it is.

Callie Valentine 16 May 2009

This poem is lovely. :)

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sean alexander

sean alexander

vetnor, new jersey
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