Hold On Poem by Micron

Hold On

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Hold on to your dreams
However silly and stupid it seems
Dream of the future, things to try and reach
Maybe even a dream of a retreat by the beach
Yesterday's events we can never change
But today as things happen we can rearrange
For tomorrow good things may bring
And with hope your heart once again can sing
So hold on to your dreams and live every day
And let good things in forever to stay
Don't let go of your dream for life's chances slip away
If you don't hold on to them they may
We're only on this planet a short time to stay

Hold onto your heart
However much you feel you can't
Hearts though deep within, they can still break
With stabbing sharp pain from mistakes we can make
From not saying those words we knew we should say
Forever will regret not saying or doing forever and a day
To stay silent may not have been right I know
But at the time it seemed right not to show
So hold on to your heart and live every day
And let good things in forever to stay
Don't let go of your heart for life's chances slip away
If you don't hold on to them they may

Hold onto your light
However hard make it bright
Light yes can dim, when life is impossibly hard
Try and think it back in and your darkness bombard
Try to kindle others light so it spreads all around
In your worst dark times you can bring others light I've found
So lookout for people when they start to dim
You can do this even when your light is extinguished within
So hold onto your light and live everyday
And let good things in forever to stay
Don't let go of your light for life's chances slip away
If you don't hold on to them they may

Hold onto your truth
However much a pain in the tooth
Truth you will find, on times is hard to stick by
When others don't believe however hard you try
But lies and deceit, send your life badly askew
They bounce back even harder at you, its true
Be true to yourself and admit your own faults
Don't try to hide them away in inner held vaults
So hold on to your truth and live every day
And let good things in forever to stay
Don't let go of your truth for life's chances slip away
If you don't hold on to them they may

Hold onto your memories
However there they will stay
Memories of Places, people who help you along
Things and events that make you more strong
People I've lost in life in my head are still mine
Our histories live on, though back in time
But remember the all the hurt or joy you have brought
Also will be remembered and felt forever in others thought
Hold on to your memories and live every day
And let good things in forever to stay
Don't let go of your memories for life's chances slip away

Hold onto your life
However hard all the strife
Life is a balance, of things good and bad
People and events will make you happy or sad
Dreams give us hope for the future in all that we do
Hearts give us love, also pain and darkness -but we grew
Tell no lies and good light will show thorough
Some things we will get right others are a mistake
But all of life's things give memories and a balance make
So hold on to your life and live every day
And let good things in forever to stay
Don't let life slip you by as chances will go away

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