His Dad And Baseball Poem by Jim Yerman

His Dad And Baseball

His father loved baseball…he watched his favorite team religiously…
"It's a lot like life." He'd say. "Come and watch a game with me."

"When it's your turn to bat, " he' said, "when you step up to the plate…
You hope to do your best….but you never know your fate."

"You're ready…and a little nervous…as you hear the catcher pound his mitt.
You don't know if you will make an out…or…if you will get a hit."

"Sometime you will get a hit…other times you'll make an out…
for that, my son, is what baseball…and life is all about."

"But whether you get a hit…or make an out…either way…
you are determined…you can't wait…
until the next time you get another chance…to step up to the plate."

"The great thing about baseball and life, " he smiled, "is no matter how you do…
every time you step up to bat…I will be rooting for you."

As he and his dad watched his daughter and his granddaughter,
play baseball the other day…from high atop the stands…
they cheered her every move…they were her biggest fans.

As he watched his dad sitting there…enjoying every facet to the game…
his mind drifted back to when he was younger…
and how he thought some of his advice was pretty lame.

Then remembering watching baseball with him…
and his dad's words…words he'll never forget….
He thought to himself,
"Isn't it funny how Dad seems so much smarter…
the older that I get."

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