Herald What Is Right? Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Herald What Is Right?

The defining issue
to those individuals, right of reality
status, amendment, performance, avoidance
“their” gold standards; creating structure
disruptive policy, making “wackobirds”
the national fowl, seemingly
this; outside the intellectual
all of this, or just this, is an
overpowering truth; all
assumptions, prepositions
opinions, and asps wholes!
Obviously; ‘Goldwater’ raised
the stakes, make the claims, helped
bake the Grandparents of these crazies
these “Beverly Hills” want-to-bees; living
in that obscurity of organized religions and
externalized ethics, and politics; heck! “When
all gets said and done”, these few, are the most
morally corruptible daughters, and sons, of that
infamy, held as sacred; you know, that Confederacy!
A most untoward bunch of cowardly progeny of that
pseudo-aristocracy, kissing the asps of the “Crown”
for ‘their’ coin; you see? The history, not so long
gone, the question being, as always, how so?
Duh! Simply follow the gold! From Charleston
to Cali! Not simply the coin; follow the mindset!
Find out what group still bleeds the “Reb”; ensnares
the preferred ideology of enslavement, in ‘their’ little
adolescent thinking yet today! Here is a not often
offered hint; Pete Wilson, former governor, and
a much touted “Southern” philosophy, of thirty
hours a week or less, minimum wage, no
benefits; imagine this package! From
birth, to death; that paramount
“Southern Hospitality”, effectively
impressed upon the “bourgeois”, by
the behind the “bomb-sheltering” hole
probability ****s of the R.N.C.! Believe you
in me; I, have the fondest memories of J.F.K. and
his defense of what things; at the times, which were
constitutional, and those things inconceivable; for this
He was so brutally slain…
Defending these Constitutional issues, is a rather
dangerous thing; or then, so is composing a worth
of words, that “Ayn Rand”, or “John Rawls” compact
with the devil, in sickening, suggesting of let everyone
and the cards they are played with ‘at birth’, decide just
how those few “most advantaged”, and those minions
“disadvantaged” are protected; in other words it is a
“Protection of the Complexion” moment, courtesy of
the “King of Comedy”, ‘Paul Mooney’; What a laugh!
Joked and choked and broken series of 1950’s logic
is this! Overreach would appear, to actually imply
“powder the breech”! Speaking of that headache
powder fiasco which organized religion is in the
all of this mess! Creature of that profound Lagoon
the nasty hole blotting out the “Light of the Sun”
that soon to be undone by ‘Bernie’ bit of the
late “Supreme Tout” of the neo-con Scalia
devil rest his soul! Arguably his opposition
of some baker’s dozens of basic rights under
the original constitution; did not fit in with the
neo-conned resolution of a continuation of this
power over all things mentally not nailed down
by the point of a firearm at all those unarmed
better yet weaponized citizens on a worldwide
basis! This of course is a long-planned, storied
program in opposition to that “uncrowning”
system of American Democracy; championed
by the more likely relatives of blood “touts”
or “****s” or just plain money grabbing
“snakes of the asp; players occupying all
streets and corners and sectors here in
these former, United States!
Think about “tightening waste lines”
a particularly heinous “Beltway”
dumb-tank consensus, in which
every one is deemed “MAD”, and
all “communications” are “BAD”; unless
the “Big Cheeze”, the head “Triangle Park Man”
the “Great Walrus”, and or “Winnie the Poo”; says so!
Heretical? OH Hello NO! Authority; is sold to the highest
Horn Blower! Policy is Pope-cycled by corporate rug rats
expendables all, each so much soiled toilet paper to the
“Master Baiters”, ‘they’ so serve…
And thinking about being “Served”! What are you having
with your tea? Cottage cheese and Rabbit food? These
substantive issues and these tactics contrived on used
tissues; both of the paper kind, and things fleshy, are
somewhat critical to the whole of humanity; yet, these
issues are swept thoroughly down that “Rabbit Hole”
of the current legislative process, this is a truth, of
the tea bagging, forever bragging elephant-donkey
isms, which hang around producing nothing butt
jism; and each of the ‘touts’ of profit, wealth
and bane, for their fellow citizens, deserves
gobs of open criticism for taking not only
the paychecks and benefits, as compensation
for doing “phuuck all”, but also “their” grubby
wii hands are consistently stuffing down “their”
pie holes all the “dark money cash”, that ‘they” are
consistently soliciting from those eager corporate pundits
the touting lobbyists, the thieving hypocrites…
Bloody Phuucking Hell with all of this! Surveillance abounds
all around what national dialogue? Making President Obama
a one term wonder? Mitch the ****, threw out that pitch
and drew, his Boehner out for all of the nation too view
and he was not arrested for public exposure of his tiny
diminutive demeanour? That little headed pickled
“Herbie”; he calls ‘George’, all three silly millimeters
of socially dysfunctioning worth used only as a short hose
to empty his bladder! Recalibrated societal aide, his wii!
This miscreant, of the “beast”, is the antipathy of the
Mitch the ****; notable scrub to any of his predecessors
a lowly “carpet-bum”, in comparison to any of our nation’s
“Constitutional Fathers”; why bother with this public rebuke
of such a lowlife ‘puke’ as he? Specifically? Because I can!
In an argued iteration of any targeted position within the
political spectrum which is currently incarnate of that
grand old man, “Joseph Stalin”; in that, political activity
is considered as the weapon of choice, a para-military
force paid by and from your tax rape! This other than
worldly creation; a cottage industry of the M.I.C., if
you will, consider what is radical versus what is of
the rational; what neo-con defines, and what the
anti-mob of citizens decry; some pejorative this,
kinda like what is in between the polar extremes
of this little grain of sand, really a foreign thinking
consciousness to the supposed “enterprise spirit”
of Captain Jean-Luc Picard! The caveat expressed
this is all just too much passed gas! A generally
displayed theater of rigidity, simply over-inflated
and ready to explode! And what a messy spewing
load this will result in! Folks, there is no latitude
which will be untouched; and anyone who cares
can pontificate within the logic of all this fuss, and
find none! The consistency of each action taken to
arrive at this situation is clearly that within a “school”
of bloated “blind mullets”; have a bite and chew on this
shyte! Truly experience what it means to “not be the smartest
fart smeller”, and an asp whole tool! Be careful now! You, may
just be close to becoming that one who may; Herald what is Right!

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