Heaven Is Here And Now Poem by Pete Crowther

Heaven Is Here And Now

Rating: 5.0

Heaven is here and now —
drowsing in the sun
on a Sunday afternoon
in early June, a distant hum
of some machinery, the murmur of
the sea, borne on a breeze
that cools, and rustles the leaves
of my apple trees near where I sit
in this comfy chair high up
on my garage roof where I overlook
green fields that stretch
for miles and miles to where
distinctions merge in the blue and
misty shadows of some other land
beyond the far horizon.

In the sun-warmed air sleek
swallows swoop and wheel
while other birds fly to and fro
so purposeful on errands that
no man may know. A falcon glides
above the trees, two butterflies
rise high in a spiral dance
and over there shining bright
black and white against the green,
heads down, a herd of Friesian cows
lazily graze the lush grass
that grows in a field by the sea..

All this we know will pass:
other days will bring grey skies,
cold winds that bite, pain, loss, disease,
and bitter sadness, perhaps, but yet
this summer day when the sun is high
in a clear blue sky, we can truly say,
“Heaven is here and now”.

Anna Russell 12 June 2006

Aah, lovely imagery. Can I join you if I take a bottle of red with me? Hugs Anna xxx

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Philippa Lane 29 June 2006

What a heavenly poem, Pete! It is the most beautifully written poem I have ever read of a summer's day in England. As I know where you are in that little corner of Yorkshire by the sea, I can appreciate the beauty of it even more, I think. It is a truly excellent poem - one that I shall keep and treasure always. You are such a fine poet, Pete. It is always a pleasure reading more of your poems. Congratulations on this one - it's the best!

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Scarlett Treat 18 June 2006

We had a lovely rain here last night, and today is a perfect day in June. The earth smells rich and ripe and growing! What a perfect description you write, and I feel better, more rested, just having read it. Thanks for sharing your perfect June day with us, Pete...you do such beautiful work! Scarlett

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Julia Klimenova 16 June 2006

I'll be lazing in the sun in a couple of weeks. Your poem gave me a foretaste of it :) Julia

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Emma Johnson 12 June 2006

Recalls to my mind the nature descriptions of the great Thomas Hardy. More. Susie xx.

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Sandra Fowler 12 June 2006

Sweet sadness recollected in tranquillity. A snapshot to be treasured in the landscapes of the mind. Kindest regards, Sandra

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Pete Crowther

Pete Crowther

Hull, East Yorkshire, England
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