Hear Me, Fear Me Poem by Sefofane Shabalala

Hear Me, Fear Me

Fear me, hear me, do you feel me,
Till those three penetrate your soul,
Piece your mind, I can never stop,
Like him your temple belongs to me,
I rob you, feed you propaganda and
Allow giants to decide your fates
Because you entrusted me to protect you.

Freedom when first did you ever felt it,
Remember I pieced your mind made you
Believe and educated you to work till your
Retirement age, but as of this age I own you,
You work to pay, be indebt to afford the so
Called lifestyle I made sure it's formidable
To maintain in disguise.

I am a hindrance you can never shake,
I said you shall have freedom of speech and
Freewill but if you step on my toes it's April's
Fools, I'll prosecute you I'm above the law
As long you fear me, do you feel me, when it
Comes time again for you to decide who rules
I return like the prophesy you all been Forever
Hoping for I become your saviour because
I taught you those weaknesses after all
I liberated you.

Hear me, fear me, do you feel me,
When you all push and pull each other like
Physics, not realising the impact of who is
Creating the friction, I am proud to say I'll
Always be intransigent because I am your
Man of steel yet what you fail to realise you
Are the kryptonite.

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