Hatred Of An Unwanted Soul Poem by Gavin Nelson

Hatred Of An Unwanted Soul

Look what you did.
I know all you can see is me breaking away, crumbling in front of you.
You did this.
It’s been so long since I laughed that I can’t remember how to be happy.
There are a thousand words I want to say to you right now but all I can get out of my mouth is that I hate you.
All I can say is the shear pain that comes to me when I see your face.
How can you stand there and think good thoughts when all you’ve done in this world is reek havoc and guilt and sadness on the people you have known.
If I turn my back on you that’s not enough.
Watching you die will not be enough.
Even listening to you screaming for mercy and forgiveness will not bring an ounce of remorse for you.
I want to watch you burn, be humiliated in front of millions, look at your face when you see everyone laughing at you breaking.
Then when the devil takes you away I still want to see you for all eternity rot and watch your immortal soul be ravished like a innocent child being raped by the same kind of person you are.
Hate is what I feel but in my eyes its too kind a word.
There are words that I cant think of that describes what I am feeling at this moment.
The sound of a crying baby, the screams of the millions that have died for nothing, the voices of the unlucky people of this word starving to death shedding tears every day in order to ask for some well being that will never come to them, that’s what you are.
That’s what you have been and all you will ever be, and may God never have mercy on your soul.

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