Happily Ever After Poem by Ryan Lee Morris

Happily Ever After

Once upon a time,
In the farthest depths of my mind,
There lived an ideal.
That, to me, it seemed so real
A world without hate,
And a place where fate,
Lived up to my wildest dreams.
Just a fairy tale it seems.
Somewhere along the line,
The plot twisted,
Everything shifted,
Like the ideal never existed.
Somewhere between the reality and the dream,
I've created a scheme,
To live in my fairy tale land.
But things haven't worked out as I had planned.
Words get misspoken,
Promises get broken,
And my trust lies shattered on the floor.
I don't want to pick up the pieces anymore.
The Fairy tales come to an end.
Happily ever after eludes me again.
So, I begin another tale,
But this one fails,
Just like the one before.
My prayers seem to have been ignored.
But I keep on trying,
Always relying,
On this faith, that I hold inside.
Fear just makes me hide.
I will not rest,
I will do my best,
I will stand up to the test.
My happily ever after, will become reality.
I will not let this life get the best of me.

Saturday, April 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: fairy tales,faith,hope,perseverance
Ryan Lee Morris

Ryan Lee Morris

St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
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