Green Wheat Fields Poem by Daleen Enslinstrydom

Green Wheat Fields

I do remember you, the fragrance of your clothes,
the distinct smell of the veldt
and the odour of your rum and maple tobacco;
the only thing that was certain to me
was that you were my dad
and that I am your child.

Daddy, do you still remember the song
that I used to sing to you:
'Do you love me daddy? '
Dad, our lives wasn't easy
but you did the best that you could do.

Hardships and sorrows leave a hole
as big as the Grand Canyon and sometimes deeper
and it takes sunshine away from a child's life
and leaves darkness
if you let it.

Life had separated us a lot,
I missed you more than my heart could hold
and at times when I did cry,
I thought of the smell rum and maple

but Dad eventually you did always come through
and made a home for us.
Later in life I had nearly lost you
through the decisions that I had made
and for this I am sorry.

The best times that I had experienced
was on our farm 'Richmond; '
there I could always depend on you,
and you showed me that life had better things to offer.

You pointed out clouds and their forms
and shapes in the blue sky
and beautiful sunsets
when you took my hand and we walked
through wheat fields
that you tested to ascertain
if they were ready for harvesting.

At night when we drove home
the sun was setting over the Maluti Mountains
and it seemed as if the mountains did swallow the sun
while darkness was setting
and a child found comfort
in the sleeve of her dad's sheepskin coat
and just before drifting off to dreamland
she could still smell the odour of rum and maple tobacco
and she knew in her heart that she could hide
from the shadows of real life,
and could be save for the night
and all the worries of everyday strain
could wait for another day.

Today my mind still wanders back to the green wheat fields
and memories that we had shared.
Dad, the harvest time is almost upon us
and you are growing old
and I want to tell you that I do really love you,
in my heart and in my soul
and when we will stand in front of His throne
I do want to thank Him for the blessings
of having a dad like you
but most of all I want to thank Him
for green wheat fields
and the love that was my share.

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Springs, South Africa
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