Good Old Daddy Poem by Eva Pearl Frost

Good Old Daddy

I remember how I used to be so small
Your big hands, it could easily break me
But, it always saved me
You patted my back when I was good
You rocked me when I cried
You protected me when danger was on its way
Good old daddy and your big hands
You wept away my tears
You smacked my bottom when I was naughty
You signed my language with me
Good old daddy, always telling me good stories
Our happiness combined and our heart sang as one
Our stupid arguments, ‘I Love You’s, Wrestling and lame jokes
I could ask you anything, I could tell you everything I always came to you
Good old daddy, Once upon a time we were so close.

I grew, our Trust blew, and we hadn’t a clue
Everything just broke apart
I let you down far too many times
Giving you attitude and lies
Twisting around the word respect
Showing you what I am capable of
Wanting to prove you wrong, making it all your fault
Wishing you would go away
Hating you so much someday
Now we’re nothing
Just strangers
Living in the same house and none of our usual interaction
The days you spent with me, seems so far away
As if we didn’t ever in the first place have such a thing called love
And it wasn’t your big hands that broke me
My personality had outgrown me.
-Kate Frost 24/7/10-

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