God's Calling You To Calvary! Poem by Denis Martindale

God's Calling You To Calvary!

God's calling everyone on Earth, not one soul gets dismissed,
Towards the Saviour you deserve through each evangelist.

The Bible says this on each page, from Genesis and more,
To bring to you at every stage salvation still in store.

No other Saviour can you trust, but Jesus Christ alone,
Christ is the reason that you must approach the Father's Throne.

The Saviour gave His life and death, remember Calvary,
Trust Him, Jesus of Nazareth, for your eternity!

God's calling you, as if you were, the only person here,
So that your new life can occur, yes, now, this very year.

No greater love can Mankind know, nor gifts from God above,
Except to Calvary you go to see the King of Love...

Denis Martindale. June 2022.

The Gospel poem was shared on Revelation TV's show
R-Mornings on the 9th of June 2022. It promotes the
upcoming Christian show Everyday Living to be shown
that evening about the discussion topic God's Calling.

God's Calling You To Calvary!
Friday, June 10, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: Jesus
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