God's Presence &The Storms Of Life Poem by Tom Zart

God's Presence &The Storms Of Life


The presence of God is not a mystery
When we surrender our soul to His will.
He sees us as His children of faith
And is willing to forgive and fulfill.

He shoulders our troubles and gives us peace
Flowers, songs, stars, wind, soil and oceans.
We learn that prayer is His power of love
As we struggle to maintain our emotions.

We may get lonely but we're never alone
For God knows and feels our woes.
He is our Lord, Savior and Master
And has traveled every road we chose.

He knows we'll falter, hesitate and weaken
Though He loves us enough to always show.
He whispers His words of grace and compliance
As the consequences of evil gather and grow.

David, Moses, Jonah, Samson, Peter and Jesus
We're aware that God was their divine guide.
They changed the future of Christians forever
With the power of Divinity at their side.


The storms of life come to everyone
There are none who are immune.
Some approach in our later years
While others come to soon.

The Bible is our anchor
Our lifeline to endure.
Without it's presence, we falter
And our future is unsure.

The Bible is our compass
To lead us through the dark.
Our souls lie among the lions
As we face the dogs that bark.

We cry out to our God Most High
Who performs all things in life.
To save us from our own plunder
Falsehoods, rebellion, and strife.

Conviction is our emotional union
As we weather the storms of Earth.
Thank God for His amazing grace
Which helps us reveal our worth.


Lots of us wish to please God
But we really don't know how.
His ways are higher than our ways
Because we're wicked, weak and foul.

God works according to His schedule
Which sometimes is a problem for man.
His love, grace, wisdom and understanding
Keep believers obedient to command.

We have no choice but to obey
Following His Holy Spirit and Word.
By living to conform to His righteousness
Our passage to glory is assured.

We see God's works in the lives of others
How exciting and fascinating it is.
God can do the same for us as well
As our purpose becomes the same as "His."

Tom's 465 Poems Are Free To Share!
By God's Poet
Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
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