God Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Wherever I look for the clues of God,
I only find huge contradictions;
Wherever I dig for the footprints of God,
I only find riddles staring at me.

Intellect while finds no God anywhere,
Insight lights God wherever I see;
Reasons while find no need for God,
Consciousness sees no world but for God.

Delved so deep as fermions and bosons,
I found no space for God at all;
Beyond its barrier reasons vanished,
I found no reasons to doubt Him there.

I rose so high as bubbles of universe,
Nowhere I found His supposed abodes;
Beyond those bubbles intellect failed,
God as pure intelligence pervaded that.

Faults of creation found everywhere
Cast doubts on works of the Almighty;
But inherent order 'neath faulty world
Affirms pure intelligence pervading all.

How disorders abound from inherent order?
How sorrows spring from blissful God?
Oh, God is not bliss or order we presume,
God is pure consciousness that stirs all worlds.

Imperfect are my eyes, incomplete I see,
Crippled, human mind; limited, intellect;
Does an ant 'neath foot find human kind?
So, not God ever by a little human mind.

The symmetry of this world, its subtle links,
No common mind evolves, nor understands;
What a super mind designed, and built it all,
But for consciousness inherent in all worlds!

Shahzia Batool 28 March 2012

God is pure conscience stirring all worlds. here on this point you won't see any contradictions...

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