Gfsd Poem by imani halley


John Calvin is a French cleric and lawyer who challenged that people could interpret the Bible for themselves
Rejected Catholic rituals denying that he needs an elaborate church hierarchy
Calvin went farther than Luther stressing God's omnipotence and emphasizing the need for people to submit totally to him
Calvin's ideas spread through England, Wales, and Scotland
In the 1620's and 1630' some Puritans, Separatists, Presbyterians, and Catholics moved to America
In 1606 a group of merchants and wealthy gentry got a royal charter for the Virginia company
In 1607 the company dispatched 104 men and boys near Chesapeake Bay called Tsenacommacah by natives.
Both James I and Charles I believed authority included power to enforce religious conformity
in 1607 negotiations with John Smith one of Jamestown's leaders agreed to an alliance with Englishmen
Powhatan is chief of Tsenacommacah inherited rule over six Algonquian villages
In 1609 Powhatan relocated village where it is not easy to access.
Starving time (1609-1610 winter)
In 1610 survivors packed to leave on a ship but encountered a governor, a man and a woman so they had to return to Jamestown
To gain the upper hand the settlers kidnapped Powhatan's daughter Pocahontas in 1613
She fell in love with John Rolfe and they married as she converted to Christianity
Pocahontas died in 1616 at Gravesand leaving an infant so
This is difference between Algonquian and English
Algonquian woman did heavy field labor
Political power and social status flowed through sisters' sons
Their leaders had limited authority over the people
Held land communally
Couldn't buy or sell land

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