From East To West Poem by David Hall

From East To West

Take a trip around the world, from beginning to end
Perhaps, the Eastern world is where we’ll begin
Circle our planet to Western world where we’ll end
Then keep circling the earth to the point we first began

A circle consists of 360 degrees
So, if we move over just one degree
And circle our world all over again
And continue doing this over and over again

We would have circled our world 360 times
We would see different people and places every time
To complete a circle, there is a point to begin and end
The circle of life is similar; life begins and it will end

To compare and contrast the West to the East
One would have to write a very long thesis
So, we’ll just look at the words “East” and “West”
Then scramble the letters about and see what we get

“We” have seen many different “states”
Or, “we” experienced many different “tastes.”
Or “awe, ” this is another “test” for us poets
We’ll sit here and go crazy before we know it

Yet this quest has pushed our minds to start thinking
From East to West there is a beginning and an ending
The world consists of diverse, people, places, and things
From beginning to end, life and diversity is amazing

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