Forever The Reason Poem by Wensday Wood

Forever The Reason

they scream and fight
one defends and the other
attacks there is no love

i sit outside trying
to muffle every vibration
ringing in the house

it always ends ugly but
there really never is
a make up for it

it seems to forever be
a haunting cycle that
plagues all our minds

it goes on and there
are those words coming
up to scared ears

they were so in love but
they have gone out
all over one thing

they start making plans but
stop when knowing
someone else listens to it

they keep up as close as they can
till breaking point reachs
and all hell breaks out again

they decide to be twisted
toward one and keep a
finger on her for life

they have entangled each other
into a forever love hate
war that tears everyone

They seem to be afraid to let
her go out and be free without
having the idea of a plot or scam

there reasons of untrust
are very unjust but there
to lost inside their hole

they need to get her away
from the both of them
to save thereselves

they see she has changed
to go and be free to the
only place left called home

they call her a problem and
seek others to take the burden
they wish to get rid of

yet every turn leads to a
rejectional dead end
and no where to give it

they sit there in frustration
and look on in horror as
they say those nerv-trembling words

we have fought over you and i have
told him i want a divorce so he can
take you the problem somewhere else

I am the reason forever

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