Forever Frozen In Time - Dedicated To Roblee (Rip) Poem by Kristy Laking

Forever Frozen In Time - Dedicated To Roblee (Rip)

A thousand emotions wash over my body
I want to scream, I want to laugh, I need to cry
I do nothing, nothing but sit and wait
It starts getting colder but I barely notice
Everything has lost its meaning, nothing makes sense
I can’t think, I can’t speak, I can barely breathe

The darkness washes over me trapping me inside
I am its prisoner, lost in time, unable to break free
I do not fight it, just give in, nothing matters
Just a short time ago I was happy and carefree
But those few simple words brought my world crashing down
Forever changed, forever gone, the life I once knew

Another short lived life ended, forever frozen in time
So many dreams unachieved, so many goals not reached
The life of an innocent child taken by the cold hands of death
Tears slowly slide down my cheeks as I think of his life
I cry for the loss of another short lived life
I cry for the family and friends he left behind

The darkness slowly begins to lift as I remember him
I run my fingers over the name carved in stone
It seems so final, but he’s not gone completely
His memory will live on forever in our hearts
I wipe away my tears as I turn and leave his grave
I don’t hurt as much now because I know we’ll meet someday in heaven

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