For Me He Is Everything Poem by Louise Tredoux

For Me He Is Everything

Icy-cold today, the sky steel-grey, started
in the right way, breakfast of chocolate
caramel cake, Rudi had his in bed, at least,
that is what he said, but I think he needs
real food, though love really goes a long
way towards sustaining mind and heart,
I prepared bacon and scrambled eggs on
toast for him, he’s got to keep his powers
up, now he has given me a taste of paradise,
I must keep him strong so he can do it again,
and again, every day, I’m getting lost in
reminiscence, I wish I could relive every
time Rudi touches me a million times, a
billion zillion times, I wish I could write
a song that makes me experience every
touch, every kiss, every hug, every time
we melt and become one; I wish I could
describe in words what this is like, and
make others feel the fire in me, the electricity,
they say nobody can know what another’s
sensations feel like; now I look with new
eyes at all examples of sex and love; and
I ask myself do I love enough; do they feel
more than I do or ever could, I’m sure I
feel deeply – deeper than they do, as long
as Rudi is alive and mine, I’m sure I can
learn to love enough, should I lose him
I would fade away of heartbreak like Fanny
Price in Mansfield Park when she nearly
lost her beloved Edward in my favourite
novel by Jane Austen – I could never love
again the way I love him, could never be
so intimate with another human being;
for me he is everything…

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