Font Color='0bb5ff' Modern Day Cinderella Poem by Scarlet .....

Scarlet .....

Scarlet .....

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Scarlet .....
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Font Color='0bb5ff' Modern Day Cinderella

Rating: 3.2

where are her little helpers
those nice little mice
why is she so alone in it all

where is her fairy god mother
to say 'poof' and it all be gone
she needs a break
she needs for once to care for herself

when will she get to meet her prince
one that will sweeep her off her feet
will love her for who she is

she may not have to ugly step sisters
or a evil step mom

but she has an evil step dad
and distant mother
both with anger problems

i would call it even
she fights to calm her mind
as she dreams of the singing butterflies

she needs to escape
she needs to get away

that is it magic or not
she is packing up her pumpkin
and leaving

good bye
have a nice life

she cries
with an evil grin
as she rides away
in her half broken pumpkin

Michael Gale 06 December 2008

This poem is filled with way too much sadness. Too much pain of not being understood or loved. Lonelyness can be such a cold shoulder to hunch about all one's life. This is a great sad poem! Do you ever write anything happy? The first page of yer poem's titles seem somber and most macabre nd dark. Still-all in all i gave ya a ten for so much inTENsity and obviously self pity. Buck up-Life can't all be that bad can it now? God bless all poets-MJG.

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Red Blooded Black Hearted 21 December 2007

That poem helped me understand some stuff someone I know is going through... Cheers for sharing it with us it was a real help. Keep writing

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Random Crap 17 August 2007

I would just like to disagree with the previous comment made by Herbert. This poem is not crap, it is not polution to this site, and how can you say what does and does not meet the requirement of this site! Queen of pain, i think your poetry is amazing, it may be alternative, dark, and not what everyone wants to hear, but its true, pain is real. Dont ever forget that.

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Herbert Nehrlich1 17 August 2007

If you would not mind, I can give you the addresses of several websites. They cater to crap. It would be greatly appreciated if you stopped polluting this site with whatever you might call it. It's not poetry and it does not meet the minimum requirements of this site (which ain't much) . H

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Scarlet .....

Scarlet .....

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Scarlet .....
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