Flowers In The Yard Poem by Jim Yerman

Flowers In The Yard

Sometimes when things look bleakest when may optimism's jarred
I take a walk around the house and look for flowers in the yard.

For no matter how much the word is filled with misery and despair…
Flowers help remind me there is beauty everywhere.

And flowers help me visualize a world where we're all friends…
For the beauty of the garden is how the colors blend.

Life is not always easy…and it often mystifies…
But if, one day, we wish to bloom…then, by God, we've got to try…

Try to make our world a better place…like the flowers from the seeds
Try to make our world a better place…by our actions and our deeds.

For look at all a flower endures…through rain and sleet and snow
And still, somehow, in Spring and Summer that little seedling grows…

And its color beautifies our Earth…and brings the world some harmony…
And I smile as some of that beauty cascades down on me.

Which is why I hold every flower I see in such a high regard
And why when my world is crumbling I like to take a walk around my yard…

Because each flower is a miracle…Its destiny predefined…
And when I stop to delight in one…I see hope for humankind.

Friday, August 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: flowers,happiness,inspiration
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