Floats Between Two Words Poem by L.B. Temuco

Floats Between Two Words

Is this the tumbling of the keys
I hear, the sounds of chance
scuttling like small insects
over a fallen leaf. Is this the night
passing in the wake of a thousand
rumours, waking itself, bringing
blood to its winsome smile. Outside
the window the boughs of the tree
hang like body bags for dead
soldiers. The one that twists
and shakes with wolves and barking
dogs, refuses to open its
hooded shroud, less it darkens
forever this deathless heart. Leaves
with their backs broken,
I have a thought, a life, a love
somewhere it exists, it floats
between two words, flows into
the synapses of your
darkest passions
I am still connected
to all this
to all you are
you do not have
to know that
but I know you do
Your sighs and cries
echo against something unsalvageable
the red oxide of the moon
closes over the place
where two currents meet
where ashes float
I am haunted by water
I never asked to meet you there
In this speechless space
my heart bleeds in silence
for you, my body, eyeless
claws for the comforts
of your skin
though I am not blind
to all that fills me to the rim
of this obscure, unpronounced desire
that aches within an inch
of complete abandonment
and this most desperate loss
The more I love
the more boundless
my sadness becomes
it leaves me amongst
all the golden decaying leaves
on which we once lay down together
your face an inch from my soul
people pass through
the veil of our unstoppable desire
you leave and I watch you walk towards me
I watch the rain fall
into small pools of happiness
In your image
you smile from a bygone moment
Your body abated
glows in its sensual light
You do not want to tell me
that the skin is impervious
to so many things
In this thought
I float between two words
Between everything and nothing
the wet grass glistens in the sun
I want to feel your wet fingers
crawl over my lips

Prathibha Nandakumar 19 March 2013

very good prathibha nandakumar

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