False Hope Poem by Ashley Proulx

False Hope

The tears I’ve cried for you have turned to dust,
The heart that once beated to the same rhythm of yours has been crushed.
Mistakes I’ve made resurface from the past and the blame is put on me.
I am no longer afraid to say it wasn’t all my fault, it was yours.
The things I once regretted now I longer do.
I had the right idea in the first place and yet I thought I could make things right.
I had the courage to tell you when I did wrong I was strong enough to admit it but you were so weak you couldn’t even admit the truth to yourself.
You kept me hanging on as if I were stranded in limbo.
I was living off false hope all because of you.
This thing we had called a marriage was never to be trut it was entrapment you put me through.
You broke my heart tore it apart but you did it slowly and eventually I built up a resistance so now I feel no more pain.
I knew this day would come and I am glad it has because now I can live and truly experience the love and happiness I deserve.
For you and I are never more.
Good bye to you our love has died and will never be restored.

Ashley Proulx

Ashley Proulx

Fall River MA, USA
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