Eve N Me Poem by Zaan van Vuuren

Eve N Me

God when you made man You saw that he was alone. You carved him a soul-mate out of love, flesh and bone. Alone I stumble, and I ask You think of me; as You thought of Adam by giving him his Eve. God you are my one true love, if I only have You, it will be enough. I only ask for someone to stand by my side, a godly bride becoming my fearless wife; to walk with me through this crooked life. A storm cloud has a rainbow, and stars illuminate the night skies; please send me an angle, one unashamed of The Most High. God if I may, lay it down, the description of the queen I want. A beautiful painting, a perfect silhouette, as her hair falls like summer rain down her face and neck. I should feel your love as she looks into my eyes, her face, a reminder of sunrise making time stand still and fly by at the same time. When I feel the butterflies, may they be engraved on the inside for when they decide to fly away during the long ride. Her royal facade should reflect the true colours of her gemstone heart. As a princess of the King she should be an anchor to those in need, also stand firm to her beliefs. Her smile should be the calm to my storm, her laughter the peacekeeper when I'm on a path of war. Her beauty should be unchallenged in the eyes of this beholder, even with her wrinkles and grey hair on the day we are older. I'll be her feet when she can walk no more, or wait, I'll be her wings which allows her to soar. When she needs to be lifted, I'll lift her high; I will love her unconditionally till the day I die. I find it pointless to write this letter to santa, instead I pray to You God, my Alpha and Omega. For You God, all things are possible. I ask you answer my prayer, be it Your will. Amen

Friday, January 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,god,love,queen,wife
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