Epic One Poem by xx3 mikki

Epic One

I can't describe it. This feeling. Anger, sadness, depression- gone. Everything disappears, here in this place. Here, I'm in control, I call the shots. I'm in control of my pain. People don't understand- I crave it. It drains me of my suffering, it fills me with accomplishment. Here in this place, I can do whatever I want. I'm the boss, the queen. Anything I want will go away. Pain? Gone. Fear? Disappears. And sadness... what's that? See, I control everything here in this place, and the best part? I always will. Think you can change that? Ha- I'd like to see you try. I'm too strong for you, here, in this place. My place. In your world, sure, you would win. But not here. This is my world, and no one else knows. Don't I hide it so well? Smiling and cheery outside. Melting and dying on the inside. Dictator. You can't win. I love this place- it's taking over me, slowly engulfing my soul. I'm addicted to this, being in control of my pain. You can't take it away, I won't let you. Why can'y you understand- I'm in control. Why can't you see- I crave this. I'm addicted. I can't stop. I won't stop. This place is mine. I can't describe it.

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