Endlessly Poem by Joh Verano


Esta embarcación called Life…
ya gotta give it good wind to sail
wherever you want to go or to do.

You are your own captain…
this Hand Made ship you run…
you got your own tripulation….
if you wanna have past ghosts…you´ll have them…
if you want flowers..the same..
If you want good people…
you´ll have them by your side…
if you wanna sail with fears or doubts..
they ´ll be there too…if you let them…

Now is the time for you to choose..

Scared of a change? ? ....
the process is hard..
but when you find the right wind and the calmed sea…
you will see what you sailed for…

And when you find the wrong wind and the brave sea…
then you will know what you are Made Of…..

Joh se que sabes de que estas hecha…

thru these years…
you have been proved or tested…
to the limits…
maybe not…
but you were there.

You are Alive Now…and you can smile by it…

Hay un punto en la vida en el cual no regresaras a muchas cosas..
o situaciones…
you choose after all…
how you want to feel inside..
or get trapped inside..

When you change the way of thinking..
you change the way of living…

Your name´s ship is Merry

Always there´s a white door to fix it all...
and of course
is the same black door where you can run away...
only if you remember where you came in.

Remember we are not alone..

Love, Joh

Había una vez….a ship called Merry….
who reinvented herself………………

And she sails on and on and on and on…….

no one knows where she goes..
she is sailing on a sea of forgotten teardrops...searching love

i am drifting in a sea of old heartbreaks...searching home

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