En La Noche Poem by Aldo Kraas

En La Noche

En la noche
I dream with you my God
And I am so happy to see the light the next day
Because I can't live in the dark
It is the dark that kills people
Because it brings depression to people like me
And others
But thanks God that Marie gave birth to you
And Marie was a virgin before she gave birth to you
She carried you in her womb for 9 months
And after she delivered you
You became the master of the universe
And now you will rule the world
That you named heaven and earth
Also at the night that you were born
That star of David had shown in heaven
And it was beautiful and peaceful at the same time
En la noche
I sleep in peace because you are there watching me to see if I can sleep
But if I drink coffee during the day I am in trouble at night because 12 cans of diet coke is the same thing like smoking 10 packs of cigarettes a Day
But thanks god I never smoked in my life and my lungs are healthy
But everytime that I go somewhere and see someone smoking I say to Myself they are killing themselves
It is ashame because they don't see it and I see it
Because people can't see what they are doing wrong
But others can
Yes it is up to them to decide if they want to smoke or not smoke
I won't tell them what they should do or not do
Because it is their business and every cigarette that you smoke reduces Your life by 10 years
And if you are 50 it will reduce by 10 years instead of you living until You are 60
You might live until you are 50

Aldo Kraas

Aldo Kraas

Sao Paulo Brazil
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