Dreamer Poem by Dima Lazarev


I dreamt of you last night,
I was walking through the dark halls of life,
Blind and lost,
Looking for you,
Yet no success...

I kept searching,
Anticipating your smile,
Longing for your love,
Your love that would save me,
Yet no success...

My Heart tearing up apart,
My mind failing me,
My soul slowly leaving,
Where are you my beloved angel?
A light at the end of the hall goes on...

Are my eyes playing tricks on my mind,
Or are your eyes mesmerizing mine?
A search that has been eatin away on my heart,
Slowly pushing me towards my eternal grave,
I run towards the light...

I reach the light,
My heart frantic,
My mind lost in many thoughts,
I see you standing there,
My tongue fails my mind,
I do not utter a word,
Only stare at your beauty,
You run away...

I desperately pick up the chase,
Though I go blind with tears,
I cannot see,
Blind with love,
I stop,
I clear my eyes,
You are gone once again...

I fall into the eternal darkness,
The flames of hell welcome my lost soul,
I stand before the judge,
His sentence,
Eternal pain to my heart,
I wonder...

The sentence,
An endless search for my love,
Though I am chained,
Chained to this never ending pain,
To keep looking,
And to never find,
I do not loose hope...

My heart gives up,
My mind follows,
Tears overcome my pitiful face,
A sad depiction of a man is left,
She has walked away,
And she has taken all reason for life...

My mind awakens,
My heart leaps,
My eyes open,
To see majestic beauty...

A nightmare over,
A reality full of love resurrected,
Her angelic figure next to mine,
She is back...

As I pounce upon you,
Your lips meet mine,
Your eyes full of surprise,
Questioning mine,
Your heart asking mine,
What is wrong...?

My eyes tell you the truth,
My lips follow,
A tale of truth,
A tale of love and pain,
Of happiness and fear,

You hold me tight,
And whisper to me,
Your search ends here,
Once and for all,
For I love you,
I will catch you when you fall my love
I won't let go...

My mind questions whether I'm still deep in a dream,
Is this reality - the pure truth,
Or yet another illusion of life,
As your lips float across my neck looking for mine,
I believe my eyes,
This is not a dream,
I am not a dreamer,
I am living the life I longed for,
A life with you my angel...

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Dima Lazarev

Dima Lazarev

Moscow, Russia
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