Don'T Cry For Horses Poem by melissa ward

Don'T Cry For Horses

I lost one of my most cherished horses.
A wonderful great tempered quarter horse named doc.
Doc went down out in the pasture.
I called my vet it did't look good so in a desperate effort to save him.
I decided to take the last penny i had to rush him to the emergency vet clinic.
With thehelp of friends we fought to get doc on his feet.
We pushed pulled and shoved finally getting doc in to the trailer.
I drove as fast as i could and some how amazenly doc stayed on his feet.
We arrived at the clinic where the emergency team was waiting for us.
I quickly unloaded doc even in one of lifes most dramatic moments.
Doc came out of the trailer i led him into the examining room.
Test quickly showed that doc was in seriouse trouble with little hope of surviving.
Without surgery doc would surely die.
While i was taking afew moments to deside the best thing to do for doc.
Doc made that decision for me.He went down for the last time and laid quietly.
I will never forget the look of acceptance in thoese soft brow eyes.
As the vet ended his suffering.On trhe way home as i drove hauling doc behind us.
I sat with part of doc still in my mind.I cried in my silence.
this poem cam to me.
This poem is dedicated to all that's ever losa a bestfriend and a beloved horse.

Brendw Seymore 27 July 2024

I am the offer of don't cry for the horses and it's copyrighted the story she has here was taken from natural horse magazine. She changed a little bit here and there, but it's my story.

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