Do We Need Poem by Francis Duggan

Do We Need

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Do we need nationalism and do we need God on our side
Since God should be for everybody for people who live Worldwide
Do we need patriotism and do we need War Memorial Day
Should we not leave life's long departed for to rest in peace where they now lay?

Do we need patriotic speeches for to honour the flag of our Land?
Why such things give rise to division is not hard for to understand
Reminding once foes of long gone wars is surely not an inclusive thing
We talk about peace in the World yet the praises of war we do sing.

Is he or she sort of a traitor if their Nation's flag they never wave
If they never go to watch a war parade for to honour the dead and the brave
Must you follow those who beat on war drums for to feel as one of the in crowd?
Yet many of those who are not patriotic of who they are also feel proud.

The flower of peace never blooms in war zones it only does bloom in the mind
Of one who does love self and others without love one
cannot be kind
Like the judas sheep of the slaughter yard who lead her kin up the ramp for to die
Those who tell us what it takes to be patriots are those who for power over us to us lie.

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