David + Peter = Me Poem by Jacqui Broad

David + Peter = Me

Rating: 5.0

In the shadow of Your hand,
is where I want to be.
In Your shadow I will stand,
whilst You defend me.
Your Love is peaceful water,
green pastures of love and peace.
I am Your lost daughter,
begging forgiveness on my knees.
No death, no life, no angels, no power,
no present, no future, no past,
no height, no depth, no alien, no tower -
nothing that will forever last.
There's nothing anything can do -
to keep me away from You...

Dave Walker 04 November 2011

A really beautiful poem. Really really liked it. Really good write.

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Harindhar Reddy 04 November 2011

Yikes! People say gun is powerful but I feel you pen is most powerful. Is you mind a powerhouse? Is your love a grand house? I am speechless when I read this powerful message to your lover. I don't know about his heart but my heart is melting like candle to see you beseeching and imploring for love. That's why I think Keats died for Fanny Brownie. 'No death, no life, no angels, no power, no present, no future, no past, no height, no depth, no alien, no tower -' Let give garland of flowers for writing this poems................

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John wake 06 November 2011

nice poem the listing was powerful. n poem was overall amazing

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Federico del Corazón 23 December 2011

enjoy this too... he is a good Father

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Jinal Oswal 08 November 2011

Jacqui... Amazing poem.... Love can never be destroyed.. its immortal... Amazing write.. Loved it :)

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Eric Cockrell 06 November 2011

i love this one... a true prayer!

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Vipins Puthooran 06 November 2011

I read this poem as a spiritual one wrapped with prayer, love and asking for forgiveness as you said that you were a lost daughter ((No death, no life, no angels, no power, No present, no future, no past No height, no depth, no alien, no tower Nothing that forever last, There's nothing anything can do- to keep me away from me...))) wow, it's powerful words and lines.. A revealing statement of your strong love to your Father! ! ! Top marks! ! ! !

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Vipins Puthooran 06 November 2011

I read this poem as a spiritual one wrapped with prayer, love and asking for forgiveness as you said that you were a lost daughter ((No death, no life, no angels, no power, No present, no future, no past No height, no depth, no alien, no tower Nothing that forever last, There's nothing anything can do- to keep me away from me...))) wow, it's powerful words and lines.. A revealing statement of your stong love to your Father! ! ! Top marks! ! ! !

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