Dark Room Poem by angel lockheart

Dark Room

Rating: 2.1

In a room that’s left forgotten,
With lights that will not shine,
Sits a girl whose heart is broken,
In a corner of her time,
Crying her very soul out,
The tears racking her spine.

She cries for her parents fighting,
She cries because her dad wants to die,
She cries because no one will hear her
Or listen to what she says,
She cries because no one loves her,
And no one even cares,
She cries because she knows,
In life
She is alone.

Beside her sits another girl,
Her wings shielding them both,
This other girl is also,
Crying her heart out,
Because she wants the other girl to see
All the love around her,
The happiness she brings,
And that in hurt,
Happiness is right around the corner,
All she has to do is lift her head,
And stand

And leave the darkness behind her,
Because when she does the lights will work,
The walls around her will expand,
And give her the freedom she deserves.

As if the girl had sent her this thought,
The first girl slowly raises her head,
And around her it starts to lighten,
Until hesitantly she stands,
And a determined look enters her eyes,
Growing stronger with the light,
Until every corner is brought out,
And the walls start pressing away,
Until they break free and disappear,
And the light grows so strong
It’s almost blinding,
Lighting her way as she walks,
With a new purpose,
To the next chapter of her life.

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