Dark In My City Poem by Naa Takia

Dark In My City

As the clouds pave way for the most beautiful stars
The glorious sun steps aside revealing the gaseous moon with all smiles
This is when my City rises…

He stands down to earth and watches a woman
And her only daughter fetch each ball of kenkey and
smack a dry bony fish; pinched with pepper on it.
Tired men and women sit on half broken benches
Wash their hands with a hard, rocky and scentless
Bar of soap, as they dine with relish
With salty sweat slowly forming on their faces
And dropping into their own delicacy

My city gives way to the most beautiful maidens posing
By the roads demanding to be laid out loud for a penny
They beg, seduce and harass the mind with their
Charming innocent faces and deadly venom tongues
Their somewhat diseased bodies, spares not even the younger boys
They whistle, chuckle and whimper
All to find the prey that wishes to have an early death by sex
They have no boundaries, once a male...you are at risk

The night in my city paves way for koku who roams life in the dreamiest way
He has seen his many dreams shattered and witnessed the early death of his parents
He has seen death snatch from him his only family
And replace them with mean and wicked faces
Faces that refuse to help his poor soul and yet
Blame him for who he turned out to be!
He sees a clear but unsure way to satisfy his physical needs
Away with a lady's purse he runs…Deep into the night

My city looks left, and sees the most pitiful sight
A young girl; being a young mother
She lies beside some months old baby
Her child sucks on what seems to be dried and empty lemons
They lie beneath the dark clouds gathering with nowhere to hide
Everybody stops and stares; nobody stops to offer shelter
Not even rains have on her pity…
They both are beaten with cold and drenched in rain

The dark of my city sees the tremor of a young girl
Whose wrapper is been torn and ripped off her
With her lips covered firmly with filthy smelly hands
Her legs are parted with deadliest strength
As three men sent by death himself pounce on her youth
With such fierce madness and insanely tear her woman apart
In the most ungodly and disgusting manner
Leaving just trails of blood to be licked off the soil by Dogs!

The Dark in my city brings the most terror
And sees the most evil…
You should be indoors!

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