Dad? Poem by John Hubschman


I am a different person then the one you left behind,

My life has changed so much I hope you do not mind.

I wish you could here me talk to you each and every day,

Many things I'd tell you but mainly I miss you in every way.

I lost my friend in life with who everything I shared,

Now no one understands me or how much I really care.

I miss the things we did together they meant so much to me,

Now things are different in my life and forever they will be.

So many memories of us that I look back on and laugh,

I will hold them in my heart forever they will always last.

There are things everyday that make me remember you,

That has caused me to cry more tears then I ever wanted too.

I do believe time heals all but that's the problem indeed,

Because my heart is still broken deep inside of me.

If I could wish for one thing I'd wish to see you in a dream,

I haven't felt you around me and I miss us being a team.

I know you check in on the ones that need you the most,

I guess I should be happy but that is what hurts the most.

In your heart you believed I could handle it all,

But wrong decisions have added up and I begin to fall.

I spent so many years wanting to help you out,

But when you left I realized I was being helped out.

I needed you more in my life then I ever let anyone know,

And now I stand by myself with nothing that I can show.

You always had the words of wisdom to push me through the day,

But now I need them more then ever so please show me the way.

Will the tears ever dry and will the hurt subside?

When will I be made whole and will I see you when I die?

Do you miss me as much as I really miss you?

When you make your rounds will you check in on me too?

I feel like it is wrong of me to ask this much of you,

Because on earth you gave me everything you could do.

As I sit here and think of you many emotions I feel,

But part of me wishes that this was never real.

I feel like that is a selfish emotion but yet it's very true,

To bring you back would bring your pain and that would make me blue.

So many lives you touched in many different ways,

And we like to tell your stories and what you use to say.

For everybody it's different in their own unique way,

But in the hearts of many they will never forget that day.

When a father, brother, uncle and friend,

Was taken from the world in a premature end.

John Hubschman

John Hubschman

Bayshore, New York
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