Cupid Aimed, But Missed Poem by Her Name Is Taylor

Cupid Aimed, But Missed

Rating: 5.0

The love bug is going around
Everyone is flirty and
chocolates are sold out in town

Everyone is getting smacked, punched, surprised, and
hit w/ Cupid's Arrow & inevitably they get sick....

and have to stay home, unable to work
they are in love, and must be with the One
who got this disease w/ them.

Ladies and Men wait a year for the disease to come out and break
but there is something that they missed from this case of
Yearly internal Bliss
There is a vaccine out there, and it seems to be my blood.
Because I can't seem to get it, no matter how hard I try.
I thought I should mingle w/ the ones who had it
Open my mouth w/ a smile to see if it could find me.
I even put my heart out in the open, leaving it naked, bare, vulerable and cold..
but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get it
Is there a malfunction in my brain, some lack of girly charm that I didn't get?
Or is it that Cupid tried to get me, but missed?

Nangula Immanuel 14 April 2009

Lol. i completely know what you mean. Perhaps you could read one of mine 'Does love really exist' or 'the end to my search for love'. Really well written poem taylor!

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Kite Remedy 04 February 2009

it's possible you know, cupid is one man agent while he has to put all the people in the world in love.. in a certain way he might miss, forget, or pass us by without shooting us with his bow.. lovely poem..

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Richard A. Davis SR. 04 February 2009

Cupids a fickle sniper, sooner or later he gets everyone, unfortunately he's a horrible record keeper, he hits some people way to much.

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