Closer To You Poem by William Blackman

Closer To You

I sometimes gaze at your pictures-bounding
thoughts remaining the timeless fixtures.
Morning conversations sprays us like spring
showers. We become one tower ignited in the
most intimate hours. What a wonder it is to
feel love's presence. Two hearts connected,
the soul, a romantic existence. Ocean waves
and desires flow into the sheer blue. My
watchful eye many miles over, anything to
feel closer to you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Fabrizio Frosini 27 January 2016

Hi, William if interested, you may join our new editorial project: ''POETRY AGAINST INEQUALITY '' if so, LET ME KNOW

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Fabrizio Frosini 27 January 2016

************************* POEMS SUBMISSION: - DEADLINE: February 20,2016 - 1 POEM (in English) of maximum 25 lines; - SUBJECT: 'INEQUALITY' as it is described in the OXFAM Report 2016 (released on Jan.18) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - abut Oxfam report /Inequality: As Oxfam says, the 'explosion' in the wealth of the super-rich has come at the expense of the majority and particularly the poorest people. A key trend is the falling share of national income going to workers in almost all developed and most developing countries. And the majority of low paid workers around the world are women. Tax havens, used by the rich and multinational companies, are fuelling economic inequality and preventing hundreds of millions of people lifting themselves out of poverty. In such a context, hundreds of millions of people go hungry while resources that could be used to help them are sucked up by those at the top of the wealth-piramid.

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William Blackman

William Blackman

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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