Katherine Shaw Poems

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Chapter 6. Graham.

Time went on, things remained the same
Until Mr. Graham started to play his game
His game seemed strange and he told me not to tell
He relayed this message to the other girls as well

Chapter 5. The Children's Home.

The place of safety was dirty and cold
The building smelt musty, damp and old
Place of safety in which I was to roam
Was in fact a children's home

Chapter 8. The Life I Deserved.

Mum and dad always spoiled me rotten
Because my deplorable years were never forgotten
Mum used to buy me expensive things
From designer clothes to solid gold rings

Cjhapter 10. Call For An Ambulance

I decided to go and tidy my room
Gave it a quick sweep with the broom
I went to throw an old coat away
Oh my word, no bloody way!

Chapter 12. Scrambled Egg.

My attitude changed a lot after that
Personality so dark, so bland and flat
My attitude causing mum and dad to be stressed
So they went on holiday, they thought it was best

Chapter 13. Dwindeling Fast.

What was left of my parents was flown back home
Fractures and breaks in almost every bone
The funeral director asked me if I wanted their things
I said I only wanted their gold rings;

Chapter 14. The Eulogy.

The funeral was only a day away
I hadn't written down anything to say;
How much I missed my mum and dad
Nothing to say, I was feeling so bad

Chapter 15. The Funeral.

I awoke early on the dreaded morning
Couldn't stop myself from constantly yawning;
I couldn't stop myself from crying
Deep inside I thought I was dying

Chapter 16. The Wake.

As I stepped into the hall I felt a soft breeze
I started to feel a little more at ease
Maybe my parents were looking down on me?
Letting me know that they could see

Chapter 17 Packing Boxes.

The next few days were spent packing boxes
Dad's record collection, mum's china foxes
Packing away this and that
I even packed dad's favourite hat

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