Candles Light: This Is The Time Poem by Jacques Sprenkie Mateya

Candles Light: This Is The Time

This is a time
Where we use to have tears in our eye
Us who are living positively

This is a time
To live and let life
To accept and understand those who live positively
To be in their shoes and feel the pain
To give them a moral support and care
To accept them as part of solution to course of a problem

This is a time
To understand our commitment
We are all affected and effected, infected
Let's make some difference
Collectively we can
Lets recommitted ourselves

This is a time
To accept Orphans and widows as a result of HIV/AIDS
Let's take social responsibility
And make a difference
Let's feel their grieve and their loss
Accept that we will make difference in their lives

This is a time
To bow head
To remember all lost and living memories as a results of HIV/AIDS
To remember all people who are living positively in this house
To ask the one who is high and superior
To please and prolong their lives

This is a time
To introspect live and let life
To join hands and fight this epidemic
To spread love and peace
To spread care and tenderness
Not HIV and AIDS

This is a time
To look to God
Ask him to bring peace and amongst us
A time to hope
That one day
One second there will be a cure for HIV/AIDS

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