#(Buddha) 36 Devadatta Plots To Kill Buddha Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

#(Buddha) 36 Devadatta Plots To Kill Buddha

Rating: 3.1

Devadatta’s next plan
Was to push down
A big boulder from the top
To crush Buddha into pulp.

This plot also had failed
As Buddha had escaped
With a very minor injury
That caused him no worry.

He influenced the King
Ajathashatru, for eliminating
Buddha by an elephant
Which could silently do it.

The King told the Mahout
To give alcohol to the elephant
And leave it in the streets
When Buddha went for alms.

Nalagiri, the elephant
Ran madly in the streets.
It destroyed tall trees,
And damaged houses.

Near Buddha it came.
He called by its name
“Oh Nalagiri, be calm.
I’m here; do no harm.”

The alcohol effect had gone
The elephant calmly sat down.
The whole crowd watched.
It was a miracle indeed!

It shocked Devadatta.
The power of Buddha
He then understood.
But his anger continued.

His jealousy and arrogance,
And the sense of vengeance,
Grew more than ever before,
But Buddha hated him never.

Sandra Fowler 01 October 2009

Hatred destroys those who indulge in it. A fine narration. Those who have a mission in life cannot be stopped until their mission is completed. Take care. Fond regards, Sandra

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Samanyan Lakshminarayanan 01 October 2009

so sad for devadatta...he never saw a friend in buddha...beautiful narration sir...

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Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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