Better Has To Come! Poem by Deidre Dixon

Better Has To Come!

No matter where you find yourself in life, better is on the way.

You'll have more favor than before in your life because God designed it that way.

Benefits, advantage and access belong to you; established from the beginning.

Why are you crying and agonizing when adversity is present, when God's provision has you winning?

Prosperity is your portion given by God evenly measured to you.

Your growth is eminent due to your prosperity, but there are still things you need to do.

The blessing of the Lord makes you rich and adds no sorrow with it.

God will speak to someone greater who will begin to bless you specific!

If you are Abraham's seed, the reign from God will cause you to conceive!

You'll give birth to the twins, purpose and destiny, as you walk by faith and believe!

The lesser has to be blessed by one that is better than.

You've got to receive from one who has already grown before you can lay your hand.

You may be positioned as the lesser right now, but rejoice; there's a plan by your Maker!

The protocol that has been established for the Kingdom is that the lesser has to be blessed by the Greater!

Understand the devil's plight to kill, steal and destroy when he comes after you and me.

He could care less about you failing; he's after your victory! !

It doesn't matter what you see in front of you, and no matter how grim you're not done.

The joy of the Lord is your strength, so hold on 'cause better has to come! !

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: faith,hope
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