Beaten But Not Giving Up Poem by tony atkins

Beaten But Not Giving Up

Rating: 5.0

I never new what love is
Or even what a true friend was
My story started when I was 5
first day at school and I was jumped by some kids I still don’t know what I did but so I expected the punches and learn to avoided them but there second weapon cut worse than the first names being called the teaches wouldn’t help I think they didn’t care I was to kind to ask for help to stubborn to think I was rejected by the people I loved I was pushed a round by friends I had two girls I loved die before I met them and 5 move after I still get teased now at 17 but I don’t really care I have a gouges girl friend who loves me I hope the curse doesn’t get her too
People still beaten me up and I still refuse to tell I have no true friends just ones to lead me to hell
I ask those in the same spot to look in there hearts and ask them selves what is right

Red Blooded Black Hearted 06 September 2007

What is rite is for people to appreciate the person you are and leave you alone. Unfortunately most people don't do that... That poem was beautifully moving and sad. But still a great poem nonetheless. Keep writing: -)

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