Be Happy Who You Are, Not Who You Want To Be Poem by Melissa Stevens

Be Happy Who You Are, Not Who You Want To Be

Life is too short
To be sad or wasting your time with people that are not worth your time
Forget the haters, just live your life
As you want it to be
Achieve your goals, look up to the bright stars
Saying you can do it
Its okay to make a mistake, nobody's perfect
Always learn your mistakes, so it wont happen again
Be confident and smile a lot
Look something to forward to, always be grateful what you have
Because others don't have what you have
Take risks, have fun
Because soon later, its going to end
There are people who will stay with you no matter, then there's other are people who are passing by, to teach you to stay away from them
Happiness is a choice, it's your choice to decide
There are people that you think that are so stunning, and there's no way you can't be like them
Like the photos you see on online, they are fake with all the cakey makeup or a fake tan
Or the picture is Photoshop
If you have a bad day, don't think about it
Just do something you love like spending time with your best friend
Each day, you will become stronger than before
Stop bad habits that you have like biting your nails or smoking
It's bad for your health
If you want to live longer, eat more healthy food, be fit, drink plenty of water
Take care of all the negative stuff
You will be positive about your self and have more energy
Don't cover up your flaws, correct them
Sometimes it's good to talk to your closet friends, or don't think about it
Do what makes you happy
Be yourself, if people don't like who you are
That's their problem not yours

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