Baby Boomers Poem by Phil Smith

Phil Smith

Phil Smith

Donald Victoria Australia
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Phil Smith
Donald Victoria Australia
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Baby Boomers

They are the Baby Boomers
Born to reunited families
Split by the war
A baby boom
Felt around the World
They were to change humanity

1955 started a revolution
Their parent's music was boring
New music was jumping
They turned up the volume
Hips started to gyrate
Rock 'n' Roll was Satan's music

Slick hair swivelling hips
A southern boy from Tennessee
Was every father's nightmare
He was everywhere
Records TV and movies
Elvis Presley was king

Baby boomers and their music
Changed the world forever
Children of the revolution
Starting to ask why
Growing beards and long hair
All roads led to San Francisco

Sex drugs and rock 'n' roll
Boomers were very different
Never to get old
Their parents always looked old
The World changed for them
Catering their every need

Trying not to sound like parents
Boomers invented living together
Kids without weddings
Naming them Sky and Summer
Maturing into jobs
Responsible and hard working

Spoilt their kids with
Stereos TVs and phones
Most forgot the sixties
Short hair suit and tie
Making a corporate fortune
To support the new lifestyle

Don't have to grow old
First generation not to
Women wear girls clothes
Fathers and sons t shirt and jeans
Radio stations play their music
Discos for the over 40's

Sports activities and clothes
Have aged with them
Once sport finished at thirty
Now we have over sixty's sport
Never too old for anything
Boomer will always be young

Logan Bernier 30 December 2022

I was looking for poems like this just for a simple school project, and I thought every poem I read was going to be dreadful. But this one caught my eye, and it turned out it was really helpful. Not only that, but I really enjoyed reading it!

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Phil Smith

Phil Smith

Donald Victoria Australia
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Phil Smith
Donald Victoria Australia
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