Author And Heaven [5] Poem by Irvan Hermawan Saichu

Author And Heaven [5]

Rating: 2.7

Varied human food, human habitation is made comfortable
Tools made life easier and safer
Engage with people who are fun

Doing the game, see entertainment, was awarded and the position
Humans want to be seen more by other people
Humans like to see the stars and moon

They are happy to be a star and moon are admired a lot of people
Current season is very strange, because the continuous rain in my city
Game of chess is so consuming of my time

Since this game contains a clear strategy and objectives
Destroy the enemies and survive in order not to lose
Reality sometimes is proportional to the things that are abstract

This abstract is a human effort to make it easier to plan something
Humans want to have clear rules that govern their
So that they can guarantee the interests of safety and fair treatment

The idea that human creations with deep thoughts emerged as an ideology
Because religious people feel unable to survive in modern life
I say choose the religion of Islam the Straight O people

Since this is the salvation of the world and life after death
Come in your mind I ask you
Follow me: I will not mislead you I just want goodness for you

It's about principles that caused the man to have the stability and durability
Stability means that human beings are not easily swayed to face life
Endurance is the ability to survive in conditions that are difficult to predict

Notice that our goal was generated by using the right function
Choosing the correct variables required to produce objective function
When you yourself came near me

I say if you need friends and lovers?
You will answer yes
A man wants a woman and vice versa

Women want something strong to keep
Men want the softness of a woman to calm her down
I want a good woman in her religion

But I also want tadlhxonphyl
A woman who is strong in her religion would stop me in my writing
So I waited a long time in a state

Indeed I sometimes sin
I want myself to remain a normal man
Fun to make people feel at home

Fun is always sought after and did not make humans sick and tired
Fun will fight any human being even at the expense of
Most people achieve pleasure by collecting treasure

With the many treasures that he thought it could afford pleasure
Human picture of something that does not always stay where no standard
Because humans would describe something that is based on knowledge

Human tendency is to support things which benefit
Any system that is anywhere definitely has its rules and restrictions
Heaven will come to some humans and jinn after the court of Allah

In the days after the generation and collection of dead
Humans are impatient lot partially deny
Some seek paradise on earth with daydreams and fantasies

By using such equations as if the world is paradise
Humans who have wealth and power try to make heaven on earth with the resources he has

They make life full of extravagance and luxury
Have fun with entertainment, parties,
with the pleasures of the body and soul

Having and wearing beautiful things, beautiful and luxurious
All he wanted to have and want to control, him buy
Because of the wealth and power is encouraging people to think

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